Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

`Image result for john  noe

John R. Noe

Image result for six attitudes of a high achiever1. Make No Small Plans

One of the six attitudes of high achievers is , "Make no small plans". This means that when you're making a plan to not make it small and to plan it big by making your plan better. This can help you become a high achiever because having a good plan can make you achieve what you want. It also means that if your first Plan went wrong then always have a Plan B.

Image result for do what you fear2. Do What They Fear
The second attitude of high achievers is to, "Do what they fear". To do what they fear means that they do what they are afraid of the most that way they won't be afraid anymore. This helps you be a high achiever because it helps get rid of the fear you have about something. The quote "Do what you fear and fear disappears" by David Joseph Schwartz means that once you do something you're afraid of, it won't fear you anymore because the fear will be gone.

Image result for willing to prepare
3. Are Willing To Prepare
The third attitude of high achievers is, "Are willing to prepare". This means that high achievers are always prepared and always should be prepared. This also means high achievers are always ready. "Everyone wants top win but nobody is willing to prepare to win." This quote by Bobby Knight means that everyone wants to win but nobody wants to prepare to win. I agree with this quote because people think they can win without preparing but end up failing and the others that do prepare end up winning.

4. Are Willing To Risk Failure
Image result for willing to risk failureThe Fourth attitude of high achievers is, "Are willing to risk failure". This means that achievers are willing to take a risk and fail, and also embarrass themselves, than not trying at all. An example of this is, having the soccer ball in front of you and there is no defenders and it's only you and the goalkeeper, Do you take the risk to take the shot and score or miss, Or not try at all? The quote, "You can't succeed unless you're willing to risk failure" by Raymond E. Feist means that in order to succeed you need to be willing to risk failure.

5. Are Teachable
The fifth attitude of high achievers is, "Are Teachable". This means that high achievers are willing to learn by being taught.  Being teachable also means they are willing to listen to what you have to say to them.
Image result for are teachable quote
Being teachable also means you are willing to be taught by whoever wants to teach you something.

6. Have Heart
The sixth and last attitude of a high achiever is "have heart" having heart means to be caring and kind. This helps you become a high achiever because you are being nice to people and doing good things.

Final Reflections
Image result for high achieversMy final reflections of the 6 attitudes of high achievers is that all these attitudes are good ways to become a  high achiever. They are, Make no small plans, Do what they fear, Are willing to prepare, Are willing to risk failure, Are teachable, And the last one, Have heart. all of these are really good examples of what a high achiever does.

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