Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Pyramid of Sucess

The Pyramid of Success

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John Wooden

The 25 Building Blocks to The 
Pyramid of Success

Block 1: Industriousness
"In plain and simple english this also means hard work. Very hard work. Their is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."

Block #1 to the 25 building blocks to the pyramid of success is, industriousness. Industriousness means to work energetically and devotedly. Industriousness also means to be skillful. An example of industriousness wanting to do your work with enthusiasm.
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Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the pyramid It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the corner stones of my Pyramid of Success its where everything begins. It is where everything begins."

Block #2 to the 25 building blocks to the pyramid of success is, enthusiasm. Enthusiasm means intense enjoyment. Enthusiasm also means having interest or approval. An example of enthusiasm is wanting to do something with excitement or interest. Another example of enthusiasm is being enthusiastic in doing your homework and going to school.

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Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it most not be taken for granted, but requires a joint effort."

Block #3 to the 25 building blocks to the pyramid of success is, friendship. Friendship means the state of bring friends. Examples of friendship is making friends or having a friend or friends. Another example of friendship is having friends that are nice to you and dont say bad things about you when you're not around.
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Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending  upon you. Keep your self respect"

Block #4 to the 25 building blocks of success is, loyalty. Loyalty means the state of being loyal to someone or something. An example of loyalty is having a girlfriend and staying loyal to her by not cheating on her with another girl, without her knowing. Another example of loyalty is being loyal towards a sports team and not going for another team. The last example of loyalty is being loyal in a friendship by not talking bad about them when they're not around.

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Block 5: Cooperation

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own ways"

Block #5 to the 25 building blocks of success is, cooperation. Cooperation means the process of working together. Cooperation can also mean teamwork. An example of cooperation is working together as a team in a sports team or working together in a group for a project or a job.

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Block 6: Ambition

For noble goals

Block #6 to the 25 building blocks of success is, ambition. Ambition means the desire to do or achieve something. Ambition also means determination and hard work. An example of ambition is going out and volunteering to help out the community. Another example of ambition is being determined to study and do your homework to get good grades in class.

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Block 7: Self-Control

"Practice Self-Discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

Block #7 to the 25 building blocks of success is Self-Control. Self control means the ability to control oneself. An example of self control is controlling your emotions, desires and behavior during difficult situations. Another example of self control is controlling your anger and actions.

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Block 8: Alertness

"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

Block #8 to the 25 building blocks of success is Alertness. Alertness means the quality of being alert. An example of alertness is being alert when you are crossing the street or driving. Another example of alertness is being alert when you are doing a job that requires to be careful or on guard.

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Block 9: Initiative

"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

Block #9 to the 25 building blocks of success is initiative. Initiative means the ability to assess and initiate things independently. An example of initiative is working on your homework or studying for a test independently. another example of initiative is cleaning your room without being asked by someone else like your parents.

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Block 10: Intentness

"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."

Block #10 to the 25 building blocks of success is intentness. Intentness meaning having your mind focused on a goal. an example of intentness is having a goal to be able to type 40 words per minute.

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Block 11: Sincerity

"Keeps Friends"

Block #11 to the 25 building blocks of success is sincerity. Sincerity means the state of being sincere and honest. Examples of sincerity are to say only to truth to your friends Another example of sincerity is to be genuine.

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Block 12: Adaptability

"To any situation"

Block #12 to the 25 building blocks of success is Adaptability. Adaptability means the quality to be able to adapt to any new changes. Examples of adaptability is getting used to a new schedule so you need to have time management to fit things into your schedule. Another example of adaptability is being able to adapt to a new school or new job or adapting to a new home.

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Block 13: Condition

"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated." 

Block #13 to the 25 building blocks of success is condition. Condition means to have physical condition and mental condition.

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Block 14: Skill

"A Knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals Be prepared and cover every little details."

Block #14 to the 25 building blocks of success is skill. Skill means the ability to do something well. An example of skill is being good at reading and writing. Another skill could be typing skills and coding skills. Other skills can be used in playing sports like, speed, stamina, and aim. Skill can only be achieved by practicing and repetition. Most people in major sport leagues are really good because of skill, not luck.

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Block 15: Team Spirit

"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interest of glory for the welfare of all."

Block #15 to the 25 building blocks of success is team spirit. Team spirit is feelings in a group that make cooperation and working well together. An example of team Spirit is when playing in a sports team you need to have chemistry with your team in order to play well with you team. Team spirit can also be used during s group project to help work together

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Block 16: Honesty

Block 16 to the 25 building blocks of success is honesty. Honesty is the state of being honest. an example of honesty is saying the truth and not saying lies.
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Block 17: Resourcefulness

"Proper Judgement"

Block 17 of the 25 building blocks to success is Resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. An example of resourcefulness is coming up with a plan to get things done on time.

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Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation. Graceful and elegant bearing in a person."

Block 18 of the 25 building blocks to success is poise. Poise means graceful and elegant bearing in a person. An example of poise is to be yourself and be true to yourself.

Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."

Block 19 of the 25 building blocks to success is confidence. Confidence means the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something. An example of confidence is trusting your friend to catch you when you are falling. another example of confidence is believe in yourself to do something you want to accomplish.

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Block 20: Reliability
"Creates Respect"

Block 20 of the 25 building blocks to success is reliability. Reliability means the state of being trustworthy. The quality of reliability can make people respect you and trust you.

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Block 21: Fight
"Determined Effort"

Block 21 to the 25 building blocks of success is fight. Fight means to be determine in what you want with effort.  an example of fight is fighting for what is right.
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Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

Block 22 to the 25 building blocks of success. Competitive greatness means to love for the hard battle knowing it offers the opportunity to be at your best when your best is required. An example of competitive greatness is to be a great player.

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Block 23: Integrity
"Purity of intention"

Block 23 to the 25 building blocks of success is integrity. Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. an example of integrity when you keep your promises and tell the truth. Another example of integrity is to not talk bad about people and be true to them.

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Block 24: Faith
"Believe and Achieve"

Block 24 of the 25 building blocks to the pyramid of success is faith. Faith means to have complete confidence in someone or something. an example of faith is believing in someone that they can do something. Another example of faith is to have faith in yourself. faith can also mean to believe and achieve which means if you believe in yourself you will achieve your goal.

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Block 25: Patience
"Good things take time"

Block 25 and the last block to the 25 building blocks to the pyramid of success is patience. Patience means the ability to accept delay without getting mad. an example of patience is when teaching you must have patient with who you are teaching to understand what they are being taught. Another example of patience is waiting for someone to get something done for you.

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