Thursday, June 8, 2017

Luis Arrieta's Top 10 Rules To Being Successful

Luis Arrieta's Top 10 Keys To Being Successful

1. Be The Best
Believe You Are The Greatest
3. Risk Everything 
4.  Be True
5. Write Your Own Destiny
6. Be The Best Version of Yourself
7. Be Positive
8. Have Purpose/Goals
9. Pursue Excellence
10. Choose The Right

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These are my top 10 keys to success. With these rules I believe I will accomplish success and be the greatest.  With these rules you can prove everyone who ever doubted you wrong.  

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation

1. Some things I Really liked about this class is that we learned a lot of ways for being a successful and wonderful person. Something I really liked about this class is learning about personal development and ways to achieve personal development. Some ways to achieve personal development are, 9 Ways to Be Happy and Make Something of Your Life, The Six Attitudes of High Achievers, 6 Ways To Make People Like You, 7 Habits of Highly effective People, and The Ten Keys to Personal Power, The 25 building blocks of the pyramid of success, The 10 seeds of greatness, Cristiano Ronaldo's 10 Rules for success, And Steph Curry's Top 10 Rules for success. I also liked the ctr card checks and when we had free time for the rest of the class for 10 minutes.

2. The only thing I disliked about this class is that we had assigned seats and Mr. Haymore never gave us a chance to choose our seats at the beginning of the year so we can be comfortable with the people we sit around that way we can ask our computer partners for help when we need it. Overall this class was really good and interesting.

3. Some recommendations to improve this class is to get more into detail about computer parts and learn how to build a computer because i think that's what people who want to be in exploring computer science want to learn.

4.A highlight of this class for me is when we working on our scratch mit project. I really enjoyed doing this project because it got me interested in coding and wanting to join Mr.Haymores ECS Principles class for next year. I also enjoyed codecademy and learning css on

5. I tried my best most of the time in this class because i wanted to have a good grade for this class. I did all my assignments except for one and did all the personal development keys and brought my life planning notebook everyday to school to write down my goals everyday.

6. I have been writing and reading my goals journal everyday for 5 minutes writing in the goals section, Journal section and the sharpening the saw section. This journal has been helping me a lot with accomplishing my goals and this journal will help a lot in the future.

7. I will commit to be a CTR person 24/7 because Choosing the right takes you a long way and helps with becoming successful.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Steph Currys Top 10 Rules for Success

Steph Currys Top 10 Rules for Success

1. Visualize your goals
2. Be the Hardest Working Person
3. Stay Confident
4. Do It Your Way
5. Be Creative
6. Stay in the Moment
7. Better than yourself everyday
8. Have an upbeat personality
9. Be the best version of yourself
10. Actions speak louder than words

Image result for steph curryImage result for steph curry with kobe

These 10 Rules to Success by Steph Curry are really useful. I think stuff Curry is a really good basket ball player and he accomplished this by following his goals and practicing to become one of the best basketball players in the world. Steph Curry is very successful person.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Top 10 Rules For Success By Cristiano Ronaldo

The Top 10 Rules For Success By Cristiano Ronaldo

Image result for cristiano ronaldo trophy

1.Just play
2.Be competitive 
3.Always take on new challenge
4.Know your priorities
5. People will judge you
6.Work hard
7. Believe you are the best
8. Play for the team
9.Enjoy the moments
10. Have a sense of humor

I think these 10 rules for success are really important for someone who wants to apply these to have success not only in professional sports but in any profession. I also think Cristiano is a genius when it comes to playing soccer but he is also a genius in knowing how to achieve success. With these 10 rules Cristiano has accomplished many things like becoming one of the best soccer players in the world and getting a lot of achievements and trophies during his career. Even though he has made it big he still has a lot of challenges in his way like winning others teams and competing against some of the best to get the champions league trophy.

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness

10 Seeds of Greatness
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Denis Waitley

1. The Seed of Self Esteem
(Appreciate the value of yourself)
"From self love to self worth"

Seed #1 of the ten seeds of greatness is self esteem. Self esteem means the confidence in ones worth or abilities. An example of self esteem is telling your self you can accomplish something and succeed. 
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2. The Seed of Creativity
"Releasing your creative energy"
Seed #2 to the 10 seeds of greatness is creativity. Creativity means using original ideas or finding ways to do things. Examples of creativity is making art and also programming a program.

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3: The Seed of Responsibility
"What ever we sow, we reap"

Seed #3 of the 10 seed of greatness is responsibility. Responsibility means having to do something you need to do and be responsible for it. An example of responsibility is having to do your homework, do chores, cleaning your room, taking out the trash and taking care of siblings or pets. 

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4: The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."

Seed #4 of the 10 seeds of greatness is wisdom. Wisdom means having knowledge and knowing the right choices. Examples of wisdom is know what is right from what is wrong to do in a situation. It also means having experience, knowledge and good judgement. An example of wisdom is to choose to do the right decision. 

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5. The Seed of Purpose
"The gold mine in your goals"

Seed #5 of the 10 seeds of greatness is purpose. Purpose means the reason for what something is done. An example of purpose is making goals.

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The Seed of Communication
"Reach out and touch someone"

Seed #6 of the 10 seeds of greatness is communication. Communication means the exchanging of information. An example of communication is talking to a friend, talking on the phone or texting with your friends.

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The Seed of Faith
"The power of positive believing"

Seed #7 of the 10 seeds of greatness is faith. Faith means to believe in yourself." An example of faith is to believe in yourself to pass a class that you are struggling in. Another example of faith is to believe in yourself to do good when playing a sport.

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The Seed of Adaptability 
"Turning Problems into opportunities"

Seed #8 of the 10 seeds of greatness is adaptability. Adaptability means the ability to be able to adapt to new conditions. An example of adaptability is waking up earlier to go to school. Another example of adaptability is to adapt to a new schedule that lets you go to sports practice and do homework in a day. you also have to have adaptability when moving houses and schools.

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The Seed of Perseverance
"The will to win is everything"
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." (Calvin Coolidge)

Seed #9 of the 10 seeds of greatness is perseverance. Perseverance means to try again and never give up. An  example of perseverance is to keep trying  to pass your drivers test when you haven't passed it you need to keep trying. 

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The Seed of Perspective
“Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

The last seed of the 10 seeds of greatness is perspective. Perspective means a point of view. An example of this is how you feel when you do something good. Another example of perspective is changing the way you look at things. For example you can look at the bright side of bad things.

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I think that the ten seeds of greatness are a good way to be proud of yourself. Some seeds that I will be applying to my life are, self esteem, adaptability and perspective. I will apply these to my life by always believing in myself.